Leosac  0.8.0
Open Source Access Control
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 123]
 Building LeosacDescribe how to build Leosac from source
 Build and install Debian packageDescribe how to build and install a Leosac deb package
 Docker: Cross Compiling Container
 Raspberry Pi 1 and Wiegand
 Installation Guide (part 2): Raspberry Pi (1 B+ or 2 or 3 or 4) + Piface Digital (1 or 2) + Wiegand ReaderDescribe the additional installation process required with such hardware. You should have first followed Installation Guide (part 1): Raspbian
 Module: SysFS GPIODriving GPIO pin through Linux's sysfs
 Module: WiegandExplains how to configure the module to work with various Wiegand reader
 Installation Guide (part 1): Raspbian
 Installation Guide (part 2): Raspberry Pi (1 B+ or 2 or 3 or 4) + Piface Digital (1 or 2) + Wiegand ReaderDescribe the additional installation process required with such hardware. You should have first followed Installation Guide (part 1): Raspbian
 Installation Guide (part 2): BeagleBone Black + Osso I/O cape board + Wiegand ReaderDescribe the additional installation process required with such hardware. You should have first followed Installation Guide (part 1): Raspbian
 Developer's stuff
 About tests
 Firmware note
 Database Versioning