Leosac  0.8.0
Open Source Access Control
Hardware Management

An explanation of how hardware modules work together.

Hardware Management


Since the main goal of Leosac is to handle access control of physical object (mainly doors), and because it reads data from specific hardware (various wiegand reader) we can say that the hardware plays an important role in the project.

We must be able to interface with various devices, in various setup. A strong abstraction of the hardware is in place. This allows easy and flexible configuration for the end-user, and help with maintaining and expanding the code.

A Module based architecture

As you probably already know, Leosac is built around modules (aka shared library). Leosac module are more than just plugins. They do not extend core functionalities, they provide them. If you do not start any module, Leosac will be useless and will literally sleep forever.

The core infrastructure is designed to support modules and provide facilities for them to communicate with each other. Modules communicate using message-passing: libzmq (and the C++ binding: zmqpp) are used to implement this message passing. Various specifications about how messages are supposed to be formatted and the expected interaction between components are defined through the project.

This is a graphic overview of hardware modules. The GPIO module can be changed without impacting the other modules on top if it, provided that it properly implements the specifications.

Modules Images

An example of hardware management

So, let's see how this module based architecture impact hardware management. Let's suppose we want to control a Wiegand card reader: This means that we must be able to read a card number from it, and that must be able to control the device's led and buzzer.

We can see our wiegand reader as multiple sub-components:

  • A LED.
  • A buzzer.
  • A data0 input PIN.
  • A data1 input PIN.

We can go a bit lower and identify other sub-components:

  • A LED...
    1. ... that relies on a GPIO output PIN.
  • A buzzer...
    1. ... that relies on a GPIO output PIN too.
  • A data0 input PIN.
  • A data1 input PIN.

data0 and data1 are GPIO input PIN already.

There are 4 kind of hardware here: GPIO, Led, Buzzer and Wiegand Reader. Led and Buzzer are implemented as one. We have (at least) one module per device type. A module for a specific hardware provide support for it.

The LED module requires that a GPIO module exposes the GPIO to the application in order to work. Same goes for the Wiegand module. GPIO can be provided by 2 modules: Through the PifaceDigital card, or through sysfs. The other do not care what module handle the GPIO. As long as one of them do, and respects the specifications.

So, in our example, here is what happens when a card is presented to the reader:

  1. The hardware GPIO will emit some GPIO interrupt.
  2. The GPIO module (doesn't matter which one) will read those interrupt and present them to the application as messages. (remember, we heavily use message passing)
  3. The Wiegand Module will read the GPIO interrupt from the GPIO module (in the same way, independently of the underlying GPIO module) and will build a card number from those. This information is then sent to the authentication module.
  4. The authentication module chose whether the access shall be granted or not, and publish this information.
  5. The doorman module picks this up, and eventually open a door.

Hardware modules specifications

You can find below the specifications that must be implemented when writing a module that provide support for some kind of hardware.

Specification for GPIOs modules

A module that implements GPIOs support must:

  1. Allow user to configure input / output pin and let them associate a name per GPIO.
  2. Allow other modules to talk to each GPIO individually, by name.

A facade object, FGPIO implements client-code (requests) of those specs, and the module must implement the server-code (responses).

We define 4 commands that can be send to a GPIO device:


This is used to query the state of the GPIO pin.


Frame Content Type
1 "STATE" string


Frame Content Type
1 "ON" or "OFF" string


This turns the pin high. It accepts an optional duration parameter. If set, this parameter express the duration for which the GPIO shall stay high. This duration is expressed in milliseconds. The module shall turn the GPIO off after this duration has expired.


Frame Content Type
1 "ON" string
2 3500 int64_t


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
While it would return "KO" on error, it shouldn't fail, ever.


This turns the GPIO low. There is no parameter.


Frame Content Type
1 "OFF" string


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
While it would return "KO" on error, it shouldn't fail, ever.


Toggle the GPIO, setting it to low it was set to high, and vice versa. This command takes no parameter.


Frame Content Type
1 "TOGGLE" string


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
While it would return "KO" on error, it shouldn't fail, ever.

Specification for LEDs modules

A module that implements LED devices support must:

  1. Allow user to identified LED by name.
  2. Allows module to communicate with configured LED device, by name.
  3. Let the user chose a default

Note that some GPIO commands are also valid LED command.

We define 5 commands that can be send to a LED device:

  • STATE.
  • ON. This works exactly like the ON command for GPIO.
  • OFF. This works exactly like the ON command for GPIO.
  • TOGGLE. This works exactly like the TOGGLE command for GPIO.
  • BLINK.


Shall return the state of the LED device.


Frame Content Type
1 "STATE" string


Frame Content Type Comment
1 "ON" or "OFF" or "BLINKING" string -
2 BLINK_DURATION int64_t Only if frame 1 is "BLINKING"
3 BLINK_SPEED int64_t Only if frame 1 is "BLINKING"
4 "ON" or "OFF" string Only if frame 1 is "BLINKING" - indicate the current value when the command was received.


This makes the LED blink, useful for controlling your christmas tree. The BLINK command accepts 2 optionals parameter: a duration and a speed. Both are expressed in milliseconds.

The second frame shall contain the duration (use -1 for infinite blink) and the third frame the speed.


Frame Content Type Comment
1 "BLINK" string -
2 BLINK_DURATION int64_t Optional. In milliseconds.
3 BLINK_SPEED int64_t Optional. In milliseconds.


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
While it would return "KO" on error, it shouldn't fail, ever.

Specification for Buzzer modules

Buzzer and LED share the same code. See the led module specifications.

Specification for Wiegand module

A wiegand reader device shall have 2 inputs GPIO configured and optional greenled and buzzer devices.

Command specifications:

A wiegand device shall accept 4 commands:


Make the reader beep for a given duration. The duration is expressed in milliseconds.


Frame Content Type Comment
1 "BEEP" string -
2 BEEP_DURATION int64_t In milliseconds.


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
Would return "KO" if the reader had no associated buzzer (or if the underlying GPIO returned KO – unlikely).


Turn the buzzer of the reader on. No duration.


Frame Content Type Comment
1 "BEEP_ON" string -


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
Would return "KO" if the reader had no associated buzzer (or if the underlying GPIO returned KO – unlikely).


Turn the buzzer of the reader off.


Frame Content Type Comment
1 "BEEP_OFF" string -


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
Would return "KO" if the reader had no associated buzzer (or if the underlying GPIO returned KO – unlikely).


Forward a command to the greenled device of the reader.


Frame Content Type Comment
1 "GREEN_LED" string -
2 xxx xxx Command for the LED device.
3 yyy yyy Parameter 1 for the command. Can have more, or none.


Frame Content Type
1 "OK" or "KO" string
Would return "KO" if the reader had no associated green led.