Leosac  0.8.0
Open Source Access Control
Module: MQTT

Publishing/Subscribing to MQTT brokers

Mqtt Module Documentation


Welcome to the main documentation page for the MQTT module.

This module provides support for messages from/to MQTT brokers by allowing the declaration of virtual devices (eg. gpio, rfidreader, ...) either IN (subscribe) or OUT (publish).

Configuration Options

Below are the configuration options available.

Options Options Options Description Mandatory
servers List of MQTT broker to connect to YES
—> server Configuration information for one MQTT broker YES
—> —> name Name of the broker YES
—> —> host Broker's hostname (default: localhost) NO
—> —> port Broker's port (default: 1883) NO
—> —> client_id Client name (default: leosac) NO
—> —> subscribe_prefix Topic prefix when subscribing (default: homeassistant/) NO
—> —> publish_prefix Topic prefix when publishing (default: leosac/) NO
—> —> ssl Option to enable SSL connection to broker (default: false) NO
—> —> ssl_ca_certs CA certificate path when SSL is enabled NO
—> —> ssl_client_certfile Client certificate path when SSL is enabled with client cert authentication NO
—> —> ssl_client_keyfile Client key path when SSL is enabled with client cert authentication NO
—> —> ssl_insecure Allow unsecure SSL, like expired certificate or hostname mismatch (default: false) NO
topics List of MQTT topics to configure YES
—> topic Configuration information for one topic. YES
—> —> name Name of the MQTT topic for further internal reference YES
—> —> subject MQTT subject YES
—> —> direction Direction of the topic. This in either subscribe or publish YES
—> —> virtualtype Virtual type to behave as on ZMQ (gpio, rfidreader, ...) YES
—> —> payload MQTT message payload NO


This is a example of possible configuration for MQTT module into Leosac:

<payload>{ state: __PLACEHOLDER__ }</payload>
<subject>enocean/Front Door Sensor</subject>