Leosac  0.8.0
Open Source Access Control
Module: SMTP

A SMTP module that provide the ability to send mail.



The SMTP module is used to send email. It supports either an XML based configuration, or can rely on the database for configuration storage.

The SMTP module watch the application event bus, specifically topic SERVICE.MAILER.

When a component wishes to send a email, it can send a message to the application bus, with topic SERVER.MAILER. The message contain shall be a string representing a key in the GlobalRegistry: this key is then used to retrieve the MailInfo object.

Configuration Options

Options Options Options Description Mandatory
want_ssl Do we enable the SSL engine ? NO (defaults to true)
use_database If true, rely on database for configuration. All XML config is ignored NO (defaults to false)
servers Remote mail service to use NO
—> server Describe a mail server target. NO
—> —> url SMTP server url. "smtp://mail.mydomain.me" YES
—> —> username Username to use for authentication against the SMTP server NO
—> —> password Password for authentication NO
—> -—> ca_file Path to a PEM encoded CA file used to validate certificate. NO
—> —> verify_host If SSL is enabled, do we verify the host name in the SSL certificate ? NO (defaults to true)
—> —> verify_peer If SSL is enabled, do we verify the SSL certificate ? NO (defaults to true)


With database

In this example, the module will load its configuration from the SQL database, and will be configurable through the websocket API (if the websocket module is enabled).


Without database
