Leosac  0.8.0
Open Source Access Control
General Configuration

Global configuration option.


Even though Leosac is heavily based on modules, there are general configuration options. Those are defined in the main configuration file, outside of the <modules> and </modules> tags.

Here is an overview of what we call "general configuration":

  • Database configuration
  • Logger configuration
  • Network configuration
  • Remote control configuration.

Path Management

Leosac has to know 2 important paths:

  1. The path to the factory configuration directory: this can be set with the environment variable LEOSAC_FACTORY_CONFIG_DIR.
  2. Paths to where Leosac's shell scripts are saved. Customizable with LEOSAC_SCRIPTS_DIR env variable.

Instance Name

Each unit is given an instance_name to help identify it when running in a environment with multiple Leosac system. This field is mandatory.

  1. This instance_name information is never synchronized.
  2. It is used to automatically prefix some configuration option: for example the target (door) in the auth file module. This allows easier config synchronization.


Leosac can work with either an SQLite or PostgreSQL database. The database is mandatory to provide support for some features. For example, the WebSocket API needs access to the database to store users, permissions, etc. Similarly, the HardwareService needs the DBService to operate.

The database tag holds various information about the database.

Options Options Description Mandatory
type Underlying database type. Either "sqlite" or "mysql". YES
path SQLite only: Path to the database file. YES if SQLite
username PGSQL only: Database username. YES if MySQL
password PGSQL only: Password for the database user. YES if MySQL
dbname PGSQL only: Database name to use. YES if MySQL
host PGSQL only: Database hostname / IP. NO
port PGSQL only: Port the database listens to NO


Below is an example for SQLite.


An one for PGSQL.


Automatic Configuration Saving

There is a useful configuration option: autosave. When set to true, the current configuration of Leosac will be saved to disk when Leosac exits. It defaults to false.

Logger Configuration

Leosac has a builtin logger for information and / or debugging purposes. It can write to syslog. It is not recommended to log DEBUG message to syslog.

Configuration Options

Default configuration will log everything to stdout. Entry with a level >= WARNING will be written to syslog.

Options Description Mandatory
enable_syslog Enable logging to syslog NO (default to true)
enable_database Enable logging to the configured (if any) database. NO (default to false)
min_syslog Minimal log entry level to write to syslog NO (default to WARNING)

Here is a list of the various log level available:

  • INFO


Logger configuration takes place in the <kernel> tag. It is not configured as a module.


Network Configuration

Leosac can provide an abstraction to network configuration. You can configure your IP address, netmask and gateway in Leosac's configuration file.

This allows the Remote Control API (or Rpleth API) to change the network configuration of the Leosac unit.

However, if you do not plan on changing your IP address or see no use for this feature, it is recommended to use Linux tools to configure your network instead (ie, write to /etc/network/interfaces).

Disabling the network subsystem (with <enabled>false</enabled>) doesn't disable the network. It disables the network management that Leosac does. If you want to fully disable the network, you'll have to do this at the operating system level.
CIDR notation is not supported (see #54).


Network configuration takes place in the <kernel> tag. It is not configured as a module.


An other example with enabled network management.


Remote Control

The Remote Control API is more complicated than logger or network configuration, and require a more in depth description. You can find it here.

Sync Source

From all these configuration options, you may want to limit which one gets exported over the network when a remote command to fetch the global configuration is received.

If no <sync_source> is present, export everything. Here is a list of exportable config tag:

  • <autosave>
  • <plugin_directories>
  • <log>
  • <network>
  • <remote>
  • <sync_dest>

Note that the no_import tag cannot be exported.



Sync Dest

This is similar to sync_source but is on the receiver side. The tag set to true in sync_dest are the tag that will be updated with the content from the remote server. The rules are the same than sync_source.

Non Importable Module

By default all modules are synchronised when syncing configuration - be it when the Replication module runs, or when the server receive the SYNC_FROM remote control command. It's however possible to prevent module configuration from being added, erased or updated.

To do so, define a <no_import> tag in the config file.

Note: The <no_import> tag will NEVER be synchronized from a remote server.

Security notice: This is because it is not exported, not because we carefully ignore it when importing.


This will have the effect of leaving alone the configuration of Test and Reset and Another Module. It will not prevent the module config from being exported.


A version field is configurable. This is mostly used when running a master/slave configuration. If you make a change to the configuration, and increments this version field, slave should automatically update their configuration.